The Design Committee met for two days in early November to flesh out ideas.
Agenda for that meeting
The following folder holds the charts and materials generated during that meeting – thanks Alex for documenting this work using that great little app that was new to me – Office Lens.

Wish List Whiteboard Voice
Role of Education Place
Indigenous Advisory Group
Design Principles Constraints
After looking over the material above I was wondering what question you were considering? It would be helpful to know that in order to understand the context of the responses.
Good point Ed! The overarching question is what might renewed Teacher Education program at UNBC look like that positions People, Place, Voice and Land as core components that inform its signature pedagogy.
That question immediately took the committee to question what was meant by those terms (people, place, voice and land) and how those terms are respectfully understand by our Aboriginal communities, our institution, us, etc.
We also considered our renewed program amongst 3 structures:
1. the opening experiences that all students, faculty, and community would share
2. the middle experiences that supported / enhanced our signature pedagogy,
3. the closing experience that would bring the program elements together in substantial and meaningful ways …